Monday, October 19, 2020

Post (7): EOTO: Internet and YouTube

 The Internet was created by the ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) in 1958.

Tim Berners- Lee created the World Wide Web in 1990. At first, the web was not accessible for the general public, but Berners-Lee wanted to change that. In April of 1993, the World Wide Web was accessible to everybody.

The Internet has positives and negatives. A few of the positives are online shopping, instant messaging, and exchanging of ideas from all across the world. A few of the negatives are hackers, anybody could contact you, and underage kids online, even though a lot of the social media apps are for 17+.

YouTube opened a door for new content needs (study videos, tutorials, comedy) and they provide a new form of income. Even though it comes with a lot good, bad comes as well. For example, people hide behind comments that are insensitive to others feelings, and people can post what ever they feel like, and it could be an invasion of privacy.

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