Sunday, December 6, 2020

Post (11): My Online Presence


Social Media has played a big role in my life since I was a really young kid. I remember begging and begging my mom for a Facebook until she finally just gave in so she didn't have to hear my mouth anymore. Social Media was the way my friends and I stayed in touch because any of us rarely had phones, but we did have the family computers.

Right now, I currently use Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, and LinkedIn. On most of these websites, I have just my phone number and my one of my spare email accounts. If you look at my social media account then you can probably just find out what I look like, when my birthday is, what school I go to, and not that much more. But, when I think about it, that is still enough information for somebody that is stalking my page or something of the sort. But, most of the time, the only reason they would find these things out is because of somebody else saying happy birthday to me or something of the sort.

If I give out my real email then it is only because I am buying something on sites like Amazon or eBay. But that is just so that they let me know when my package is coming and where it is at.

I feel that social media will only make you feel isolated, lonely, or depressed if you allow it to overtake you. When you disconnect from the actual world and so absorbed in the digital world that if something goes wrong on your phone then it can influence your whole mood and demeanor.

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