Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Post (9): Privacy?


What we think we have control over on our computers and phones, most likely we don't. A lot of consumers have agreed to give up fundamental aspects of privacy when using their phones and laptops, and have accepted being watched by third parties as a part of modern life. But, when you do this, do you know what they are really taking?

Every single time you look something up on an unsecured search engine such as Google or Bing, they take record of what you have looked up, and never forget it. No matter how much you "clear your search history", it is never really cleared. There is always a way to bring it back up. According to Business Insider, the only way to officially go incognitio is to use a whole different browser, other than Google. Even though Google has its own "Incognito" browser, it is ran by the same people, and it does not fully hide you from the Internet world.

In October of 2018, Forbes Magazine did their research and found out that the Feds ordered Google to hand over their data because there were countless numbers of robberies happening between the same places, and they felt that if they had people's browsing history they could find out who it was easier and quicker. This seems sensible, but the only problem was they didn't know who was doing the robberies, so that means that they were going to get access to everybody's browsing history, even innocent people. Cops would send specific coordinates and timezones within the boundaries where the crimes happened and then Google is asked to give the information on everybody who was near the location of the crimes. Even if the people were just walking by or eating near the crimes, anybody who was running Google, even if you were not on a Google app then they were still able to get your data, because when we first open apps, a lot of us allow the apps to run in the background data unconscious of the decision that was just made. 

I find it baffling that anybody could just review an innocent person's search history as a job and not have a problem with it, but that is just the world we live in.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Post (8): The Diffusion of Google

Roger's Diffusion of Innovations is a theory that seeks to explain how, why, and at what rate new technologies spread. One of the technologies that has spread throughout the entire world is Google.

Google was founded on September 4th, 1998, in Menlo Park, California, by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They planned to fulfill their mission which is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." That is just what they are doing. 

 Google is very convenient and easy to access. It's never very hard to find what you are looking for. Anything that has an online presence you should be able to find on Google. They have also expanded so much to where they have taken on many subsidiaries such as YouTube (which is their fastest growing one), Android Inc., and Appsheet. The ease of use and convenience of Google is why so many people love to use it and why it is still growing and thriving.

The level of differentiation has a big impact on the effectiveness of companies' market strategy. Google's search engine isn't just user friendly; its algorithm is updated constantly, and is said to be a century ahead of their competitors. User convenience is Google's main focus for their products and services. This is why Google thrives more than other search engines. Google also can be used as a platform for other companies to advertise their businesses and products, even their competitors.

Google also caters to the eyes, they are constantly updating their search engine, and they allow people from all over the world to send in their designs and choose which one is the best. Just recently, they allowed kids from different schools to design the Doodle for Google, and allowed the public to choose one finalist from each grade, and an overall winner, and she won a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 technology award for her school.

Google has expanded in so many ways since they first started, and have modernized communication and networking. Families and friends are able to stay connected by more than just in person interaction but by ways of communication on social media apps, some of which Google owns.