Monday, September 28, 2020

Post (4): Antiwar Voices and the American Conservative, are websites that bring to light a lot of antiwar voices. These voices are very strong and devoted to getting their message across. But why don't we hear these voices or what they have to say on mainstream media?

News services and people that run social media apps have a strict protocol of what they can and cannot say or put out. For instance, if you watch the news then you know that they have already scripted lines of what they are supposed to say. But sometimes they give their own opinions but they know what subjects they are allowed to touch on and some that they are not. I think that antiwar conversations are one of the things on the NOT list. Because if our country was about to start a war, and there was a mainstream news anchor telling about how they feel that war is not the way, and that there are other options, how would the listeners take that? I am pretty sure that they would listen to what they have to say and a lot of people would process their thoughts and maybe agree. Which would lead to protests and other things of the sort, and cause a lot of commotion in the country. A lot of the people that write on the sites are not big time names so if one happens to come across one of the sites, it may not be of much interest to them because of the fact that they don't know anything about the writers.

FSU students marching as protest against the Vietnam War-- Tallahassee, Florida 

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