Thursday, September 3, 2020

Post (1): My Top News Sources

1) ABC 11

- I use ABC11 because it is the local news station for the Raleigh-Durham, whenever I want to know what is going on in my community then I can always rely on them for the information. Every time I go to my grandparents' houses then they are always watching ABC11. It is also always the first thing that pops up on the television every time I turn it on.
~Picture from ABC 11, my brothers on the front line from a George Floyd protest this summer.

2) Shaun King

- Shaun King is a very well known activist for the minority community, every time something happens I can always count on him to have the news about it. A lot of his posts are controversial if you are against basic human rights, and for that he is the number 1 target for white supremacists, and he had many police officers plotting to kill him, which means he's obviously doing something right. He is also hated by a few African American and or black people, because they accuse him of not seeking out justice, but promoting himself through the black man's demise and their injustice. But, the truth is he makes no money off of the book that he promotes.

3)The Shade Room

- The Shade Room is a page on Instagram that covers just about everything you want to know. They give you the news on celebrities, politics, and so many things of the sort. Most of the time, The Shade Room has all the correct information, verified a lot of times by the people themselves. With 20.4 million followers, The Shade Room has become a viable news source for a lot of the generations, even the older people, they even constantly have people checking their page that do not even follow them. The Shade Room also has a teens page with 2.2 million followers, both pages being verified.

4)Fox News

- I rarely get my news from here considering ABC11 is big in my hometown, but when I cannot find what I am looking for on ABC then I always come here as my second resource for television news coverage. Even if ABC11 does have the news up there then I still sometimes come to Fox because they could have more on the issue at hand, while ABC is still gathering their information.

5)Durham Herald Sun

The Durham Herald Sun is a newspaper in my hometown, and unless I'm in a doctor's or dentists office or maybe even my Grandma's house then I might read it but other than that I never read the newspaper. When I was younger, I used to wait for the paper boy to come and when he got to the house, I would run outside, barefoot and all, to bring the newspaper inside. Then, I would read the comics in there and I would also do the crosswords, and read the sports section, etc.
~A picture of an article that was in the papers

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